Current projects
Core projects
- Development of an alternative testing strategy for the fish early-life stage test for predicting chronic toxicity: assay validation
PI: Dries Knapen
Co-PIs: Gerald Ankley (US EPA), Dan Villeneuve (US EPA), Hilda Witters (VITO), Ronny Blust, Lucia Vergauwen
Grant Holder: Evelyn Stinckens
Funding: Cefic-LRI
- The impact of endocrine disruption on vertebrate embryonic and larval development
PI: Dries Knapen
Co-PIs: Lucia Vergauwen, Alexander van Nuijs
Grant Holder: Jelena Periz Stanaćev
Funding: UAntwerp - BOF
- Development of a zebrafish embryo test for environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals with estrogenic properties
PI: Dries Knapen
Co-PI: Steven Van Cruchten
Grant Holder: Ellen Michiels
Funding: IWT
- Influence of temperature on bioactivation and embryotoxicity in a modified Zebrafish developmental toxicity assay
PI: Steven Van Cruchten
Co-PI: Dries Knapen
Grant Holder: Casper Pype
Funding: UAntwerp - BOF
- Development of a method for testing of transgenic rational effects of genetically modified crops in food on the basis of the zebrafish model
PI: Dries Knapen
Co-PIs: Marc De Loose (ILVO), Mia Eeckhout (UGent), Sarah De Saeger (UGent), Ronny Blust
Grant Holder: Isabelle Gabriëls
Funding: FPS Health, Food chain safety and Environment
- Unravelling the non-specific mechanisms underlying non-polar narcotic toxicity: mitochondrial effects
PI: Ronny Blust
Co-PI: Dries Knapen
Grant Holder: TBA
Funding: FWO
- Reaction phenotyping and CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing of xenobiotic CYP isoenzymes in the zebrafish embryo: effects on bioactivation of prodrugs and normal functioning
PI: Steven Van Cruchten
Grant Holder: Chloe Bars
Funding: UAntwerp - BOF
- Comparison of nano-injection and aquatic exposure in fish embryo tests: can differences in toxicity be explained by accumulation kinetics?
PI: Lucia Vergauwen
Funding: UAntwerp - BOF
Supporting projects
- Modular confocal microscopy platform with light sheet illumination
PI: Jean-Pierre Timmermans
Co-PIs: Dirk Adriaensen, Guido De Meyer, Winnok De Vos, Patrick D'Haese, Michele Giugliano, Albena Jordanova, Georgios Keliris, Dries Knapen, Stuart Maudsley, Peter Ponsaerts, Vincent Timmerman, Kris Vissenberg
Funding: Hercules Foundation
- Next generation sequencing technology opening new frontiers in biological and medical research
PI: Geert Mortier
Co-PIs: Gerrit Beemster, Ronny Blust, Herman Goossens, Dries Knapen, Kris Laukens, Marc Peeters, Wim Van Hul, Christiaan Vrints
Funding: Hercules Foundation
- ENVIROMICS, environment toxicology and technology for a durable world. Development and application of diagnostic instruments for industry and policy
PI: Ronny Blust
Co-PIs: Peter Bols, Adrian Covaci, Karolien De Wael, Koen Janssens, Dries Knapen, Silvia Lenaerts, Patrick Meire, Roeland Samson
Funding: UAntwerp - RIOFI
- Equipment for high-speed refrigerated, preparative ultracentrifugation, automated gradient formation and fraction collection and analysis
PI: Louis Maes
Co-PIs: Guido De Meyer, Peter Delputte, Sylvia Dewilde, Samir Kumar-Singh, Anne-Marie Lambeir, Sarah Lebeer, Jo Leroy, Steven Van Cruchten, Wim Wenseleers
Funding: Hercules Foundation
Past projects
- An alternative testing strategy for the fish early life-stage test using the adverse outcome pathway (AOP) framework
PI: Dries Knapen
Award Winner: Evelyn Stinckens
Funding: SETAC - Procter & Gamble Award
- A functional study of the mechanisms underlying sex differentiation in zebrafish
PI: Lucia Vergauwen
Funding: UAntwerp - BOF
- Zebrafish embryos to elucidate the role of thyroid hormones in vertebrate embryonic development
PI: An Hagenaars
Co-PI: Dries Knapen
Funding: UAntwerp - BOF
- Optimalisation of the biotransformation in the Zebrafish Teratogenicity Test
PI: Steven Van Cruchten
Co-PI: Dries Knapen
Grant Holder: Casper Pype
Funding: UAntwerp - BOF
- Development of an alternative testing strategy for the fish early-life stage test for predicting chronic toxicity
PI: Dries Knapen
Co-PIs: Gerald Ankley (US EPA), Hilda Witters (VITO), Ronny Blust
Grant Holder: Evelyn Stinckens
Funding: Cefic-LRI
- Ontogeny of cytochrome P450 activity in the zebrafish: an in vitro investigation
PI: Steven Van Cruchten
Grant Holder: Moayad Saad
Funding: UAntwerp - BOF
- Advancing the zebrafish embryo as a model system in epigenomics – a study on the importance of DNA methylation dynamics in teratogenicity
PI: Dries Knapen
Funding: UAntwerp - BOF
- Ontogeny of CYPs and drug transporters in the gastrointestinal tract of zebrafish
PI: Steven Van Cruchten
Co-PI: Paul Cos
Grant Holder: Moayad Saad
- A functional genomics study in zebrafish to elucidate the role of thyroid hormones and deiodinases in early emryonic development
PI: Veerle Darras (KULeuven)
Co-PIs: Ronny Blust, Dries Knapen
Grant Holder: Enise Bagci
Funding: FWO
- A system biological analysis of metal induced responses in the zebrafish
PI: Ronny Blust
Co-PI: Dries Knapen
Funding: FWO
- Effect of temperature on metal toxicity to zebrafish: from gene to organismal responses
PI: Ronny Blust
Co-PI: Dries Knapen
Grant Holder: Lucia Vergauwen
Funding: FWO
- Toxicodynamics of microcontaminants in relation to temperature and energy status in the zebrafish, Danio rerio: from gene to organismal responses
PI: Ronny Blust
Grant Holder: Lucia Vergauwen
Funding: FWO
- Genetic adaptation to heavy metals in the zebrafish (Danio rerio): development of toxicant specific type I microsatellite markers
PI: Ronny Blust
Grant Holder: Dries Knapen
Funding: IWT